Zoom Town Episode 1: The Death Before The Zoom

by Travis Mateer

On January 5th, 2020, Sean Stevenson was removed from life support at St. Patrick’s hospital after being in a physical altercation with another man at the Poverello Center, western Montana’s largest emergency homeless shelter and soup kitchen.

The physical altercation that led to Sean’s death occurred on January 3rd and from the time he was taken to the hospital, to his final moments, no one ever contacted Sean’s family.

To understand the many questions this disturbing case raises, please listen to my interview with Sean’s sisters, Jejchelle Stevenson and Angela Stevenson.

The audio has some feedback that I mostly cleaned up with my modest post-production skills, but if there are any issues, please let me know in the comments.

About Travis Mateer

I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
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3 Responses to Zoom Town Episode 1: The Death Before The Zoom

    Touch enough hearts for us to at long last get Justice
    For Sean.

    Please contact me ASAP

    Dr. Kenneth Stevenson Sean’s father

  2. TC says:

    Great podcast Travis. Thank you for continuing to seek justice in this matter. Hopefully those “in power” will hear this conversation and correct this travesty/tragedy (if out of shame if nothing else).

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