The Most Important Podcast Of 2020 Is Alison McDowell’s Appearance On The Higherside Chat

by William Skink

Alison McDowell is a Philadelphia mom and her recent appearance on The Higherside Chat podcast is easily the most important podcast I listened to this year. The host of THC, Greg Carlwood, referred to McDowell as his “hail mary” suggestion to the family he hasn’t reached yet about what is coming. After listening to Alison, I can understand why.

McDowell’s research on human capital markets, predatory philanthropy and the gamified world that is coming (which you can check out at her blog, wrench in the gears), opened my eyes to what’s lurking behind the “evidence-based” language of the non-profit sector, and it’s not good.

I am already incorporating McDowell’s insights into the research I’m doing on homelessness in Missoula, and it is helping me better understand not just WHAT is happening, but, more importantly, WHY.

While that research continues, I’m also busy recording interviews for the podcast I’m going to launch next month.

Last week, for example, I spent 90 minutes talking with blogger Mark Tokarski. After years of taking shots at each other online (which resulted in my banning at his blog Piece of Mindful), I decided to reach out via email, and Mark graciously accepted my invitation to talk on the phone.

It was the first time we had ever spoken to each other in person and it was a fantastic conversation that I can’t wait to share.

Next week kicks off with a grand celestial conjunction and ends with Christmas. I will be posting daily, as usual, so stay tuned.

And thanks for reading.

About Travis Mateer

I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
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2 Responses to The Most Important Podcast Of 2020 Is Alison McDowell’s Appearance On The Higherside Chat

  1. This post came to me via Stephers (who writes for POM) via a friend of hers. Not sure of the mechanics. The important thing is that she forwarded this post to Alison McDowell, who she is in touch with.

    Enjoy family and holidays, Mr. Skink.

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