Cyril Wecht, The Famous Pathologist Who Criticized The Warren Commission, Answered My Call Yesterday

by Travis Mateer

As I left my second message at his office number, I didn’t think that I would actually get a chance to speak with Dr. Wecht about the death of Sean Stevenson and my magic chokehold theory, but the call came back from his assistant with his cell number, so I called, and he answered.

All I wanted to hear was this man’s confirmation of the obvious: a chokehold that renders a man unconscious cannot produce bruising on limbs and torsos. And that is EXACTLY what I got from my brief conversation from this famous pathologist

It was strange being in Pittsburgh yesterday because this city on the other side of the country has three rivers that meet, like Missoula, and the arts and culture have a rich history, especially as it relates to Black history.

Is this a picture of two Missoula Detectives investigating the death of Sean Stevenson? No, it’s a photo taken by “Teenie” Harris, a well-known photographer who I was hoping to see an exhibit of, but it was closed. Instead I was sent to the “entry portal” of the library, part of the Carnegie Museum, where I saw my last name on a classroom. Huh?

I tried putting this appearance of my last name in context, but so far Penny Mateer, a quilter, is my only lead.

Names have resonance, as do numbers, beyond just their surface-level values. if you think that sounds crazy, I really don’t care because I stayed in Harrisburg yesterday after checking out “Teenie” Harris’ work, then I got some Tarot cards, and the artist who created Crowley’s Thoth set is Frieda Harris. Also, did you see Cyril’s middle name?

Harrisburg was established by John Harris Jr. with a little help from a guy by the name of William Maclay, who also had an important account of the very first Congress, since he was the only Senator keeping a diary. Curious.

Another person I have more context for is Andy Warhol, who was born in Pittsburgh. I checked out his museum yesterday before leaving Pittsburgh, so I’ll conclude this post with some of the pictures I took.

Thanks for reading!

About Travis Mateer

I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
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