Introducing Spider McKnight’s Brand Strategy And Design Agency, Six Pony Hitch

by William Skink

Six Pony Hitch is not a band name like Three Dog Night. Six Pony Hitch is a Brand Strategy and Design Agency in Missoula, Montana.

24 hours ago I had never heard of Six Pony Hitch, but thanks to this Missoulian article, I now know Six Pony Hitch exists, and there is apparently some fall out over a racial research project. Also, this agency was involved in getting paid to help develop the Missoula Downtown Plan.

Before getting into all that, let’s look at how SPH describes itself. Here is a screen shot from their website:


Discovering order in seeming chaos sounds like either a globalist wet dream or a dungeons and dragons quest. Whatever you can pitch to local government for some govt cheese, I guess.

Meshayla Cox of the Montana Racial Equity Project isn’t down with this research, stating “That research that we’re wanting to do is just stalling a process that needs to just happen already”. She goes on to say “We don’t have to take the time to prove that our experiences are real.”

I agree with Cox, this is a stalling process. And further more, why has Six Pony Hitch inserted itself into this conversation, especially since they’ve had a previous business relationship with the city of Missoula?

Here’s more from the article:

Many members of the public, in addition to comments submitted to the City Council via email, said they did not support the proposal for the research project. The proposal came through Six Pony Hitch from a team of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community members who include Wilena Old Person, Jamar Galbreath, Laurel Warner, Alex Kim, Ku’au Ahina, Brad Hall and also from Six Pony Hitch owner Spider McKnight, who is not BIPOC.

I was already having a hard time taking this brand strategy and design agency seriously with a name like Six Pony Hitch, but to expect me to further absorb the fact the person behind this thing has the name Spider McKnight? Come on, man, this is just to absurd.

How all this came about is further explained in the article:

A statement from Six Pony Hitch and LEARN Missoula read by Council President Bryan Von Lossberg stated that City Council reached out to Six Pony Hitch due to the firm’s status of being on the city’s preferred vendor list for communication and their work on the Downtown Master Plan.

Do you see the con going on here? Do you see the perpetrators of NEWSPEAK selling their wares?

I am glad to know more of the names of the players suckling government largesse and eagerly exploiting racial injustice, and I am glad they have names like Spider McKnight and Six Pony Hitch.

If you ever need the ponies to come to your rescue, here’s more about what they can do for you:

Whether we are helping you launch a new company onto the international stage, retooling branding gone wrong, solving internal communications and operations issues, or even creating new products, we can help you tackle the most difficult of issues.

Ok, Pony, you got systemic racism during a global pandemic. How much will that cost to “fix”? Asking for a broke-ass college town.

About Travis Mateer

I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
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46 Responses to Introducing Spider McKnight’s Brand Strategy And Design Agency, Six Pony Hitch

  1. TC says:

    I find it hilarious that the first, THE FIRST, thing that City Council does with their grand “Listening” project is to farm it out to a consulting firm! That is such the Missoula way.
    Also you can bet “Spider” McKnight, ever the edgy hipster, is related to someone.

    • Travis Mateer – Missoula – I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
      William Skink says:

      Spider is cool enough to warrant a second post, which I’ve scheduled to post in a little over an hour. I am just shaking my head, this is all so absurd.

      • Sandy says:

        You should listen to the ad hoc meeting. It’s literally two hours of people making fun of Council and their silly little teach-us-about-racism plan.

        • Travis Mateer – Missoula – I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
          William Skink says:

          thank you for the heads up, I’ll check it out. I’m glad to see pushback on this. I think there is some real concern from our elected officials that some real scrutiny is going to be directed at them. pretty condescending to hire this Spider for their teach-us-about-racism plan.

  2. Pingback: Spider McKnight Will Also Sell You Crazy Love T-Shirts And Rattlesnake Coffee Cups | Reptile Dysfunction

  3. JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
    JC says:

    Been reading some Adolph Reed Jr., who is an academic focusing on how neoliberalism is co-opting the antiracist movement (#BLM et al.) and bringing it on board to guard its left flank. It appears that Missoula and its neoliberal governors are buying right into the movement to defuse all opposition to class issues by refocusing it on the decentering whiteness movement.

    Reed had me at this point, when I checked his biography to see if he was worth spending time reading — his works are long and bordering on pedantic. But it totally illuminates what is happening in Missoula and how what the city/county is doing is destined to fail — or at least fail for those who need it the most.

    Anybody who can peg Obama to a “T” like this in 1996 is well worth reading (from his wiki entry):

    “In an article in The Village Voice dated January 16, 1996, [Reid] said of Obama:

    In Chicago, for instance, we’ve gotten a foretaste of the new breed of foundation-hatched black communitarian voices; one of them, a smooth Harvard lawyer with impeccable do-good credentials and vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal politics, has won a state senate seat on a base mainly in the liberal foundation and development worlds. His fundamentally bootstrap line was softened by a patina of the rhetoric of authentic community, talk about meeting in kitchens, small-scale solutions to social problems, and the predictable elevation of process over program — the point where identity politics converges with old-fashioned middle-class reform in favoring form over substance. I suspect that his ilk is the wave of the future in U.S. black politics, as in Haiti and wherever else the International Monetary Fund has sway. So far the black activist response hasn’t been up to the challenge. We have to do better.”

    Anyways, here’s his academic article published in Dialectical Anthropology a few years ago, long but well worth it, and illustrative of our current predicament(s):

    Antiracism: a neoliberal alternative to a left

    And a clip from his conclusion for the TL/DR crowd:

    “Antiracists and neoliberal Democrats unite in high moral dudgeon to denounce suggestions that more than racism operated to generate the Trump vote and that some working people, particularly those whom Les Leopold describes as Obama/Sanders/Trump voters—and not necessarily only white ones—felt betrayed by both parties… The practical upshot of that moral stance is that there can be no political alternative outside neoliberalism. That is why it is important, as we look toward the daunting prospect of building a movement capable of changing the terms of debate in American politics to center the interests and concerns of working people—of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and whatever immigration status—who are the vast majority of the country, that we recognize that race-reductionist politics is the left wing of neoliberalism and nothing more. [emphasis added] It is openly antagonistic to the idea of a solidaristic left. It is more important than ever to acknowledge that reality and act accordingly.”

    Six Pony Hitch will fit right in with the neoliberals at city hall.

    • Travis Mateer – Missoula – I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
      William Skink says:

      excellent find, I’m reading a book by Jason Horsley that is quite timely considering the FBI snagged Ghislaine Maxwell today in New Hampshire. it’s called The Vice Of Kings.

    • Hey JC good link. weighty. Most people will not take the time to read. I consider myself an egalitarian. We really have no choice but to try to move the Democratic party . I will not vote for President Trump or anyone who supports him. The choice is clear to me. I am a Bernie man. I really like how Bernie tried to avoid going negative. It gives me a little faith in the process we are stuck with. The way the Democratic party buried Bernie lends proof to the weighty article you gave. I was in the dictionary many times. I think Adolph Reed must have had a thesaurus at the ready. 🙂

  4. Not that you need the encouragement but, good post.

    • Travis Mateer – Missoula – I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
      William Skink says:

      I appreciate the encouragement. now make sure you play nice with others, john 🙂

  5. Big Swede says:

    To quote Razorfist, “We are in a civil war, except only one side is fighting, the left is fighting itself,”

    As far as Missoula is concerned let the liberals eat their own.

    • Big Swede, I watched your suggestion. Will you watch mine ?
      Once I sorted the vile swear words and the experienced related blurbs,( such as Crunella De Ville from Walt Disney cartoon ?) I found some understandable truth to what he was saying.

      • Big Swede says:

        Gave it least 14 minutes. While I was listening John Lennon’s song “Imagine” keep playing in my head. My main disagreement in those 14 minutes was her whitewashing of Islam. One religion today regularly motivates large numbers of its followers to murder, behead, rape, and enslave people across the globe. That religion is Islam. Not Christianity. Not Judaism. Not Buddhism. Only Islam.

        • Big Swede, I tried to pick a Karen Armstrong video that covered a depth of her research. She is a research scholar with very interesting credentials. Two things . Scripture not being literal and second, not to argue events today by using past scriptures.
          She is not about violence she is about compassion. Utopian for sure but an aspiring model. Try to watch the remainder. There are short clips on her opinion of God on you tube. Islam has been hijacked by violent interpretation just like so many other movements
          Spanish inquisition, Protestant reformation, French revolution, Bolshevism, Naziism, Maoism, Hindu Buddist conflict in India , to name a few.
          We agree about the current state of Islam. We disagree about Karen Armstrong’s approach to Islam. I tired to watch the feral Irishman. Do you have an active link ?

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          Actually, Ingy, that one religion that “regularly motivates large numbers of its followers to murder, behead, rape, and enslave people across the globe” is capitalism.

        • Big Swede says:

          Really JC? Libya (non-capitalist) is currently selling black slaves. China (non-capitalist) is raping muslim women in concentration camps in order to thin out Islam. Iran (non-capitalist) murders gays by throwing them off roofs. Isis (non-capitalist) was, probably still is, beheading infidels.

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          I knew that would get your goat. Pretty much all religions can be pointed to as leading people to immoral behavior. If you want to quibble about the amount of adherents a religion spurs into bad behavior, that’s a different debate. FWIW, all the religions you named have led many people to undertake the actions you listed. I don’t believe that any one religion has a lead in that category.

          But I was being presumptuous assuming that many people have come to view capitalism as a religion. Afterall it is responsible for as much death and mayhem in the world as any religion. Couple it with a religion and it exponentiates the effect.

          Who here doesn’t believe that capitalist christianity doesn’t “murder, behead, rape, and enslave people across the globe?” The facts would belie any denial.

        • Big Swede says:

          Not only am I going to disagree with you on the basis of Christianity being above all others when it come to “moral” credentials you also insult my parents and grandparents who dedicated their retirement years in the mission fields.

          Was there Buddhists or Jews teaching Eskimos to read and write in Unalakleet, AK? No, in fact if it wasn’t for the Christians and Catholics and their benevolence many of the poorer nations (anti-capitalist) wouldn’t have the chance to read or access to health care.

          When I was young in Sunday School we’d raise money to poor villages to buy milk cows, goats, sheep even chickens. We would always get pictures back with smiling owners of live stock that changed their lives. Again, where were the other religions?

          Need I list them? Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International, Lutheran World Relief, Operation Blessing, Advancing Native Missions, Children Hunger Fund, Salvation Army, Catholic Relief Services, Lifeline Christian Mission, Food For The Poor to name a few.

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          I never said people didn’t do some good things within their religions. But not ever person who claims to be religious restricts their activities to good, decent behavior. And there are lots of examples of people and organizations in all different religions conducting good activities. Maybe not with eskimos, or the specific poorer nations you refer to. But for instance Buddhists are giving greatly to charities around the world. Just look at what Montana’s richest woman, a Buddhist, is doing with her fortunes — investing in a myriad of cultural and social causes (and maybe a few nefarious ones too, who knows).

          And look at the Muslims from Iran sending cargo boats full of oil, energy producing supplies, health care supplies, and food to Venezuela. Venezuela that is oppressed by the sanctions Christian Capitalists to the north have placed upon it because they dare to not bow to American hegemony. And to Lebanon, suffering from U.S. Capitalist and Christian sanctions.

          Then there’s the Native American Nativist 7th Generation Foundation helping bring health care, food and water production systems, cultural programs and more to the Tribes in America that have suffered at the hands of Christian oppression.

          It goes both ways Swede. I’ll never say that you and your family haven’t done good things via your religion, and I’ll take your word for it. Hallelujah! But there is still a huge injustice of oppression fostered on Indigenous peoples in this land in the name of Christianity and Capitalism that needs to be rectified. But it won’t come at the hands of the same forces that inflicted it.

    • Hey Djinn, I did not have to read too far to see where that was going. My argument is: Scientology is not science. Do you agree? Please listen to a real medical expert of your choice. Do it for your loved ones if not for our common humanity. Err on the side of public safety not blind selfishness. We must prepare for the more serious pandemic that will surely come. Then we will be overwhelmed and the bodies will pile. It is difficult to be free if one is not alive.

  6. JC, I agree,I think william , swede ,brennan ,maybe even e.c. might agree that we never hear any polemics about the relationship of capitalism and slavery in the U.S., either in history or now. Seems important in light of current events.

  7. Travis Mateer – Missoula – I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
    William Skink says:

    Swede, the technocratic, transhumanist, sociopathic elite eat and shit isms and religions for breakfast. they may even put on a big global show called APOCALYPSE to downsize their herd as they build their breakaway civilization. they got AI now, so a lot of useless eaters can go.

    • Big Swede says:

      They’ll always need us as farm implements.

      I’m think capitalism is getting a bad rap mostly because we’ve evolved into crony capitalism. That’s when the powerful wield influence thru our political system. I can understand the animosity toward elites who suppress start ups and young innovators. The other anticapitalists frankly are lazy and jealous of other’s success.

      So like the socialists who point to the failures of Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other socialist countries us capitalists can point to lack of purity in our system.

  8. Big Swede says:

    Venezuela did it to themselves JC. Here’s Vox (left leaning) video.

    • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
      JC says:

      Sanctions Swede, sanctions. If you don’t think that U.S. efforts to destabilize Venezuela have taken their toll, then no amount of cute videos can help you.

  9. Big Swede says:

    JC your examples are minuscule compared to Americas philanthropy. In 2017 we gave $400B to charities compared to US foreign aid of only $40B. Catholic Charities alone has been estimated to have given $171B in a given year.

    • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
      JC says:

      American philanthropy is predicated on the notion that foundations have to spend a certain percent of their capitalization to maintain their status. And all that capital influx to foundations is the result of wealth accumulators trying to find another way to maintain their influence and power in perpetuity. In other words, it reinforces my claim that christian capitalists use their wealth to dictate policy and program upon the world. I can give you many examples for most every foundation out there how the money is used to nefarious purpose. From Soros to Koch, Gates to Bezos, Gianforte to Washington, Pritzker to Ford.

  10. Big Swede says:

    Our ranch borders the Crow Res so I’ll let you know when they’re coming.

    • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
      JC says:

      Yeah Swede, mine’s on the Rez. They’re already here, and not leaving anytime soon. And they’re coming after the Black Hills. Little issue of a treaty that wasn’t upheld by us the people. That Battle of Little Bighorn? Still fresh in the people’s mind. Taking the Black Hills as revenge for scalping Custer weighs heavily on the people. Trump got just enough of a reminder at his speechifying at Mt. Rushmore to know he’s not the over lord yet. Couple hundred indigenous folks kept thousands of his supporters away from his ranting for over 3 hours. Each time this sort of thing happens, solidarity among the people and their allies grows stronger, and the movement gets larger. That was the first indigenous protest at Rushmore in 50 years. Won’t be the last.

      Go lay a wreath on Custer’s grave for me this weekend, will you? Might be the last 4th of July you get the chance to do so.

      • JC Another angle. First time I saw Mt Rushmore (poor name choice), I thought it looked like an excavation scab on an otherwise scenic mountain. I did not know about the other issues. I just thought it was at least very unfortunate. I do not think something like that would be allowed today. That is encouraging. do you agree ?

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          Something like that? I think we get shit like Rushmore all the time. Rushmore is just a symbol. A big and ugly one for sure. It’s like a big dog pissing on a fire hydrant, marking its spot. The U.S. is marking its spot all around the world, and here in the U.S. repetitively. Even on native lands. Look at Dakota Access Pipeline and Standing Rock, or Keystone XL and Fort Peck. Or the roll back at Bears Ears National Monument to allow uranium mining. On and on.

          FWIW, Mt. Rushmore could easily be taken care of through controlled demolition or a re-carving, it’s already been desecrated. But wilderness can’t be reestablished when roads, oil derricks, uranium mines, and coal strip mines destroy it. At least not in our limited experience of geologic time.

      • Big Swede says:

        We’re told Mount Rushmore has to go because it’s on land we stole from the Lakota tribe. They forgot to mention the Lakota tribe stole it from the Cheyenne, who stole it from the Kiowa. Yet our “theft” from thieves is supposed to be some great injustice. Please.

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          Fort Laramie Treaty granted the Black Hills to the Lakota.

          Of course, if you don’t believe in upholding Treaties, then what recourse would you have about your “property rights” should some roving band of indigenous people decide to reclaim your ranch?

          Somebody could just get one of your hired hands to sign a deed of sale, stick a few thousand bucks in the bank in your name, and say the sale was completed. Then erect a statue to Crazy Horse and call it a day.

        • Big Swede says:

          I guess some people are a little more competent in their holdings than others.

          “It is still the conviction of this office that the issue of a patent in fee for a portion of an Indian’s land who is judged as being competent or near-competent, is the proper procedure in dealing with the land question among the Indians… Even if the proceeds derived from the dispossession of the land are squandered he still has plenty of land left and he may have learned a few lessons that will prove of value in the future.” (Department of the Interior, Annual Report of the Pine Ridge Agency, SD, August 1, 1913)

        • JC – Somewhere around Missoula, Montana
          JC says:

          You’re still ignoring the history of the Fort Laramie Treaty and the legal battles that have ensued. Custer’s 7th Cavalry Regiment thought they were pretty competent, too.

          And here’s a nice little viddie for you.

  11. Big Swede says:

    “No signed paper can hold the iron”

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